Sarah Markham

Saxophonist | Educator | Conductor | Mentor

Sarah Markham Online Workshop

Online Saxophone Event: Sunday 27th June 2021

My annual Saxophone Day didn’t take place as usual in March 2021, it would have been my eighth annual saxophone day. I have been waiting to see if it was feasible to put on some sort of live event, but it’s not possible because of the pandemic and social distancing. Instead, I have organised an online event, consisting of three sessions: a recital, a workshop, and a talk.

You can access the three sessions on my Saxophone Day page. There will be three videos, going live at 1:00 pm, 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm on Sunday 27th June. The videos will be available for a period of seven days.

My recital will take place in St Paul’s Hall at the University of Huddersfield. I’m looking forward to performing music in a large space; I’ve had a strong connection to these works over the last year. One of the few positive aspects of being in ‘lockdown’ is that I (along with many of you), have been nudged to explore avenues that I wouldn’t normally have the time to do so. Instead of performing with my pianist, or my ensembles, I have focused more on solo saxophone repertoire.

I’ve enjoyed playing The Four Elements by Victor Herbiet: it’s composed by a saxophonist, and he clearly understands how to make the saxophone depict the elements Earth, Water, Wind and Fire in this programmatic solo work. Over the last few months I have heard one of my students, and an ensemble at Leeds Conservatoire play Syrinx by Debussy. This reminded me of the numerous times I’ve performed Syrinx over the decades, and so I decided to revisit this piece in this recital.

I love the music of Bach. I wanted to include Bach in this recital. I’ve chosen the Cello Suite No.1, because again, this is a piece I have played many times over the years. I haven’t played it recently as the last time it was at my father’s funeral; I’m ready to approach it again now and I’m looking forward to performing it on the baritone saxophone.

I also wanted to acknowledge my previous saxophone days in this online event. I’ll be playing Trilog by Philippe Geiss, who was my guest at the University of Huddersfield Saxophone Day in 2016, Mrs Malcolm by Richard Ingham (my guest in 2018) and Solstice by Charlotte Harding, who was my guest last year in March 2020, just a week or so before lockdown. 

In November I worked with saxophonists online in a workshop that I created called Faster, Longer, Higher, Louder. The aim of the workshop was to explore how a performer might develop techniques, and reinforce basic concepts, in order to develop confidence in their playing. I’m happy to share this workshop with you on the 27th June.

The online event will finish with a conversation with Jérôme Laran, exploring what we have learnt from this difficult period, and how we might start to return to a more usual music world. Jérôme is an internationally renowned saxophonist based in Paris, we have worked together many times and I value his opinions and expertise very highly. He was my very first guest at my annual Saxophone Day in 2014.